Free Feldenkrais Lessons

Attention readers in the Seattle area: who wants a free Feldenkrais lesson? In about six months I will finish my training program to be a Feldenkrais practitioner and until then I need some practice doing the hands on work, which is called Functional Integration. For now I can't charge for my work, so for the next few months I will be offering free one hour Functional Integration lessons at my office in Seattle a couple times a week, to whoever wants one, first come first served.

The lessons basically consists of the following. First a brief consultation to discuss what you want to work on, such as moving with less pain or improving a certain function. Then I will probably have you lie on a table while I guide your body through some slow, gentle and non painful movements. The goal is to learn or recollect movement patterns that are more efficient and comfortable.

The lesson will be relaxing, interesting and will hopefully result in better movement.

Contact me here if you are interested.